Panda Token Details
{7.1} Social Panda Tokenization
Social Panda has been tokenized into 111,111,111 P4NDA tokens, which represent ownership in the company. If a holder of P4NDA tokens has an X% ownership stake in the community, they have the option to convert their tokens into community shares while maintaining their X% ownership. Each investor is free to decide the nature of their participation. To make an informed decision, we recommend reviewing the following advantages and disadvantages of each option:
Social Panda Tokens & Shares
Easier to negotiate purchases or sales due to market liquidity
Potential exponential price gains with the possibility of li£uidation.
They do not have stablecoin royalties
They have a higher speculative factor than social panda shares due to the international open market.
{7.2} Panda Token
Token Name : Social Panda
Token Ticker : P4NDA
Blockchain Network : Binance Smart Chain (Bsc Chain-BEP20)
Smart Contract Address : 0x46348eb2fed3077132546936a5a6f76c5453ad8c
Total Supply : 111,111,111 P4NDA
Circulating Supply : 33333333.3 P4NDA
White Paper : Click here to download
Download Token Logo(200X200) : Click here to download
{7.3} Tokenomics
{7.4} Token Supply Stages
The initial supply of P4NDA Tokens was 111,111,111 P4NDA and there will never be more.
Supply Stages:
Stage 1 - 30% - Initial Token Supply by the smart contract in the first stage of social panda launch, rest token supply will remain LOCKED.
Stage 2 - 25% - Initial Token Supply after 6 month by the smart contract in the second stage of social panda launch, rest token supply will remain LOCKED.
Stage 3 - 25% - Initial Token Supply after 3 month by the smart contract in the third stage of social panda launch, rest token supply will remain LOCKED.
Stage 4 - 20% - Initial Token Supply after 3 month by the smart contract in the second stage of social panda launch, rest token supply will remain LOCKED.
In this way, the more actively traded and popular the Panda token becomes, the more liquidity is provided to the Social Panda Portfolio for investment purposes. Furthermore, investors who hold their investment for the long term are rewarded with royalties.
Last updated